Lenten study opportunity

Amid anxiety and stress, we can be agents of God's peace

The work of a peacemaker begins within. We cannot share with others what we do not possess ourselves.

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The world needs peacebuilders - not conflict avoiders, quiet watchers, or those who give up to preserve a false peace.

When people of faith continue along the path of becoming more like Jesus, our churches become communities reaching out and caring for others.

Offered in partnership with Peace Building Ministries of the Western North Carolina Conference, Blessed are the Peacemakers explores the role of emotional health in our call and vocation. By learning to notice our anxieties and respond with new abilities, we can discover new levels of calm in life. And we will more fully understand the peace of Christ.

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About the Author

After 30 years in the local church, John McGill has found a new way to serve. His call is to help people of faith strengthen their spiritual-emotional selves so that they may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10).

John’s organization, We Do EQ, uses the science of emotional intelligence to equip and empower ministry practitioners.

While recovering from a particularly hard season of ministry, John began to explore core concepts of emotional intelligence alongside scripture for spiritual and emotional health, stress reduction, anxiety management, and greater resilience.  These learnings became life-changing, and now John is bringing EQ training to a wider audience.

John holds a bachelor’s degree from Asbury University, a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a DMin. from United Theological Seminary.  He is married to Anita, his wife of 26 years, and they have three children: Rachel, Jaya, and Isaac.  In his off hours, John is usually enjoying time with his family, hiking a trail, or looking for a new adventure.

Elements of the study

In the Wesleyan tradition, moving on to perfection is growing, learning, and striving to become more Christ-like. Greater peace in our inner lives allows for greater openness to the world around us. This liberates us for the most beautiful ministry we can participate in.


Much like first century Judea, we live in a time of conflict, confusion, and chaos. In a world that is fractured and broken, we are invited to follow the healer. In the midst of anxious relationships, we are commissioned to be peacemakers.

Even through difficult times, Christ promises more than survival; he wants to impart life.

As we walk with the disciples through the season of Lent, may we empathize with their anxieties. The path will not be easy, but with great expectation, may we gather together to learn, share, grow closer, and by the grace of God, become better peacemakers – the kind of people who will be salt and light for a lost and hurting world.

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Emotional health is key to the spiritual journey

“I’ve come to believe that our spiritual self and emotional self are highly intertwined, if not the exact same thing,” John says. “God comes into our lives and wants to enrich our spirits. When we heal from past hurts and traumas, that’s all about our emotional self, and that’s what God is doing.”

Emotional intelligence is not often taught or widely discussed.

But when we begin to understand it, the value of this work becomes clear: “One or two insights can really start the shift,” John said. “Once that ball gets rolling, I’m surprised by how quickly we can make incredible change.”

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What to Expect

  • 01Week One: Will We Walk with Jesus?
  • 02Week Two: Do We Have to Be Right?
  • 03Week Three: Do We Have to Quit?
  • 04Week Four: Do We Have to be Quiet?
  • 05Week Five: Do We Have to Make Everybody Happy?
  • 06Week Six: Will We Open Up with Compassion?

About the Foundation

The Foundation’s partnership in presenting Blessed are the Peacemakers reflects a commitment to adaptive leadership in a season of change. It also flows from a newly crafted strategic vision informed by the needs and aspirations of those we serve.

Small group listening sessions with 100+ clergy and lay persons revealed deep appreciation for the Foundation’s ministry offerings. Constituents also identified areas where more focus is needed, notably leadership training for laity and professional development for clergy in the middle and later stages of their careers.

Thank you for engaging with the Foundation through your participation in Blessed are the Peacemakers. It is a blessing to count you as a partner in our mission to build the Church for generations to come. May God bless your journey.

Understanding anxiety, discovering God's peace

Compassion is not usually our first response. It can be, through personal growth and the grace of God.

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