United Methodist pastors benefit from these leadership development opportunities. Apply today to invest in yourself and the future of the Church.
The Reynolds Program in Church Leadership is provided through the Royce and Jane Reynolds Fund, a restricted endowment fund of the United Methodist Foundation of Western North Carolina. It is a one-year leadership development certificate program for United Methodist clergy from the Western North Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, North Georgia, Holston, and Florida conferences.
Who is eligible for the 2025-26 program?
United Methodist pastors-in-charge with at least five years of full-time church experience (beyond educational requirements) and who will not be moving to a new appointment in 2025.
When do we meet and what is the focus?
The program provides participants comprehensive feedback to assess leadership strengths and needs, a personal executive coach, renewed understanding of the mission of the church and the specific needs of your congregation, development of a vision and planning process for your congregation, enhanced capacity for navigating change and orchestrating conflict resolution, time for reflection and renewal, and support from peers.
Participants are responsible for their travel, but all other expenses, including tuition, meals, and accommodation, are covered by the Reynolds Program.
How do you apply?
“Leadership is essential for the renewal of the Church. Participants in the Reynolds Program in Church Leadership consistently share that this has been the best leadership training they have experienced — and that it came at just the right time.”
Bishop Ken Carter
Western North Carolina Conferences“The year I spent with Reynolds kept me in local church ministry. I grew in my self-understanding, my love of the church and God’s people, and yes, how to do ministry differently!”
Rev. David Beam
Mt. Tabor UMC, Winston-Salem“I learned that vibrant ministry begins by embracing a church’s unique strengths — not by trying to imitate a mega-church down the road.”
Rev. Heather Kilbourne
Faith in Rural Communities
NC Rural Center
Formerly at Bethlehem UMC in Statesville, NC
The Reynolds Academy for Ministry Management is a one-year leadership program for Senior Pastors in the Western North Carolina Conference with a focus on strong management and administrative practices. The purpose is to equip clergy with the necessary skills to effectively manage a church.
Timing of sessions vary year by year.
“This is the most helpful and applicable continuing education program I’ve ever participated in. It helped explain a lot of issues I see in the church and gave me specific ways to improve our process.”
The Reynolds Leadership Academy for Evangelism and Discipleship is a 2-4 year program for Senior Pastors in the Western North Carolina Conference. This program was formed under the belief that wise leaders, including pastoral leaders, should dedicate time to learning from one another. Participants are exposed to teachings from the most innovative and successful church leaders. Participants travel outside the state up to three times a year. Travel expenses are covered by the program.
Nominees are eligible to apply by invitation. Session dates vary each year.
“There ought to be a way for ministers who are eager to reach the unchurched to get together and share ideas, programs, victories, concerns and failures. They [ministers] will pick their own format and subjects to discuss. They will have outside speakers, share with each other and go to major churches that are really on fire; and they will hold each other accountable.” – Royce Reynolds
For questions, please contact Rev. Annalee Allen, Director of Reynolds Ministries and Programs, at 888-450-1956, Ext. 1504 or aallen@umfwnc.org.