Foundation celebrates investment growth in 2023

We are pleased to share that our managed investment funds performed extremely well for the first half of 2023.

Returns were strong across all funds and continue to outpace their benchmarks in both the short-term and long-term periods. The growth means that our partner churches and institutions can do more for mission, scholarships, care programs, and other vital forms of ministry.

The Income Only Fund has proved to be a good option for those who want to stay out of the stock market or are still deciding where they want to place funds for the long term. This cash alternative option saw a 4.91% (annualized) return through August.

The Foundation has seen peaks and valleys many times since we began actively managing investments in 1985. Our four fund options offer varying levels of equities (stock) exposure. All are invested in socially responsible ways that offer competitive returns at competitively low administrative fees.

We encourage investors to make choices based on their specific goals, risk tolerance and time horizon – rather than short-term fluctuations in the market.

We are proud of our long-term record, thankful for the wisdom of the investment team – and ready to help you be the best steward of your financial resources. Click here to learn about ways we can serve you.

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